
I was under the weather for the last month and I will be posting again soon.

About this Chabura

This chabura is not a hashkafa shiur.
The chabura comprises a small group of individuals who are ovdim in both the gashmiyus and ruchniyus sense. For this reason, the chabura is geared towards the practical reality and intuitive sense of the participants, so that what we learn can be applied in our daily lives.
Currently the chabura is in its second year. Having learned the chapters in Emunah u'Bitachon Chazon Ish related to bitachon last year, the focus of the chabura this year is on hishtadlus. The text being used as a springboard for discussion is Sefer Ben Melech - Bitachon by Rav Leib Mintzberg.

While the chabura is using Sefer Ben Melech as the text, it should not be construed that all that is said in the confines of the chabura discussions and this blog reflect Rav Mintzberg's opinions. That was never the goal. The goal of the chabura is to focus on the issues in hishtadlus. Ponder and consider what it is saying to us and then, for each member of the chabura to use their understanding to pave their own individual way towards living with emunah and bitachon.